Starting into BDSM is not always easy. Finding the right guy, the right place and some good pieces of equipment can be challenging. I’m fortunate enough to have created my own world out of a passion and I have in Burnley 300 sqm dedicated to Kink. You’ll find here some events that will be run and that you can attempt.


Social events

BDSM parties

BDSM classes

Art exhibitions



Burnley / Manchester

Social events

Limited to 30 places the social is made to offer a safe and secured place to meet other kinster. If you wish to ask questions and try new things that is the best place.

At the difference with every events happening in the UK this one is not in a pub. No loud music, no crowed space. The playroom is big enough to handle 30 guys and feel comfortable, drinks and snacks are included in the price. A KINK+ membership card is mandatory to access the venue.

BDSM parties start Saturday at noon and finish Sunday morning. Drinks, snacks and dinner are served and the night accommodation is also provided. Places are limited to guarantee comfort and safety.

BDSM parties offer places for single subs or for couples:

– couples will play in autonomy and ask for help or guidance if needed. The idea is to offer them a way to have fun with equipment that they usually don’t have at home. Limited to 5 couples it guarantee intimacy and safety for everybody to enjoy the space have fun. It’s also a good way to get to know new kinsters and increase experience.

– single subs will be limited to a maximum of 8 subs for two masters. A first scene is build up for the Saturday afternoon, then after dinner is served the subs are prepared for the night. If the subs can’t or doesn’t wish to sleep in bondage he will get offered a comfortable place to sleep but the idea is to actually get a full bondage night. Predicaments and scenes are picked randomly but we offer a chance for the subs to exchange their scenes between them to suit everyone.

BDSM Parties

BDSM Classes

Bondage, ropes, flogging, electrostimulation…

A lot of those practices are interesting but where to learn them? I’m offering some classes to help people discover kink but also increase experience and self confidence. Places are limited to guarantee comfort and efficiency.

The LGBTQ+ community is full of very creative minds. I’m happy to offer a place where you can actually see their art and discover some very talented people.

Every month a new artist will hang some pieces and will be presented to you.

Art exhibitions